Need to do 2 compilations in a row (sometimes 3) to UE4 accept C++ changes. Is it UE4 bug or I do something wrong? I faced this thing while working with 4.20 version or something. Now Im on 4.25, but nothing changed. Just tired of this thing.
I have this exact same problem and I’ve been contending with it today. I make changes, compile, run the game and it uses the old version so I think my code still doesn’t work when it actually does. Total timewaster.
When you say “compile” do you mean the “Compile” button inside the editor, or actually closing the editor and compiling the visual studio solution again? The former is known for those issues, the later is the solution for it.
Having to restart the editor every single time you make a change to the code is not acceptable for an engine which is capable of creating AAA games.
You actually only need to restart the editor every single time you make a change to a header file or to the constructor implementation, just enable live coding and stop using the compile button:…jects-tp14jcgs
Hopefully this will get improved even more in the future, but at least for now it is what we have.