Change vehicle position and keep wheel rotation

Hi , I’m a beginner of Unreal engine user, I try to use unreal engine to develop a vehicle animator, which receive x,y position and, yaw information from other software through TCP interface just like the following MATLAB example.

I try to modify the Unreal Engine advanced vehicle project example. Firstly, I want to use mouse event to change vehicle position and keep wheel rotation.

But it failed(the vehicle disappear) and shows the warning like that

Could someone give me some methods or tips to do it? Thanks in advance!

Hey @Kilachi_Timmy
as the error message suggests: Use the teleport flag.
But maybe explain a little bit more what you want to do?
You want to move your mouse and then the vehicle drives forward or backward?
Or do you want to let the car drive and use your mouse to steer left / right?
Or do you really want to change the location instantly when moving the mouse?

The warning message tells you if you want to directly modify your WorldLocation while the skeletal mesh is simulated, you need to set the “teleport” flag.
In your Blueprint script, with the SetWorldLocation Node, click on the “Teleport” checkbox to activate it.

That being said, it doesn’t quite make sense, as it only would modify the position on the client that is doing the mouse input, and neither the server nor other clients will get that change.

What exactly are you trying to do? You say you want to do something with MATLAB? You say you want to use TCP (aka networking). Do you want to modify the cars position whenever the player moves the mouse and want it to show up on other player’s screens as well?