Change Variable with button press (enhanced input) UE 5.51

So I am trying to change a float variable to 1 by pressing the space button.
I try to print it on a string but there is no feedback.

If I use analog stick it works great!

Can anyone help?

My setup:

Input action

Input mapping context

Blueprint setup

Hey @UnknownDinoDev!

Are you sure you don’t have anything else operating using the spacebar? That would be my first thought since First and Third Person templates have it used for Jump right out the gate.

What about “Keyboard 1” or "Keyboard ‘E’ " etc? Do those work?

Let us know!

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Hey, sorry!
After some more testing the keyboard 1 and the face buttons on gamepad
(they both work) I realized that the problem is the spacebar on keyboard and the shoulder buttons and triggers on gamepad!
Any Idea what could be causing that?

After some more search I realized you were right. The problem was that the input was being consumed before by the VR spectator.

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