I`m in need of assistance. I wish to know how to drive an animation blendspace with mouse input axis. Both up and horizontal. I tried to do this simply by pluggin the mouse input axis value directly into a SetFloat node And then transferring that float value into a float in my Anim blueprint. But it dosent work, because when i move the mouse, the axisvalue changes a little bit before immediately reverting back to zero. Wich of course isn´t wery useful if you want to change a value in the animation blendspace.
I know there might not be an easy answer to this. But any tips you can give, would be helpful.
Thus, you need to take the axis input you have from the mouse, and add/subtract to a float in your controller (or character, if that reads the input,) and then clamp that float to whatever max/min you want (or modulo it if it’s rotation that can go a full circle) and then put that value into the float in the animation blueprint.
Thanks for the reply. But could you explain a little more in detail. I´m still having trouble to understand exactly what to do. I tried to add to a float in my character bluebrint. Like in the picture. But it still dosent work. I need to know how to transform the mouse axis into a float value that my animation blueprint can read.