Change "up" axis?


A simple question - I couldn’t find the answer.

  1. When I export to OBJ it seems Reality capture considers the Z axis as “up” while maya considers the Y axis “up”. Can you change the orientation of the up axis on export?

Hi breravin
Not in RC, but you can change the axis orientation in MAYA import settings and solve it…

Is this still the case? It’s been two years since this post was made. Can you change the coordinate system yet? It would be nice to be able to change the coordinate system to Y up. You can in the latest version of Agisoft and it’s really helpful.

Dear RC - Support Team,

i agree to the y-Axis-up-request.

I am working in a VFX pieline, and all tools i am using, point upwards in the y axis.

It is 3D Equalizer, Nuke and Maya. Changing the up axis just in Maya would not solve this issue.

Despite from that, your software ist really amazing! =)

Kind regards,


plus one for this request - can’t seem to find any info on how to change the orientation or scale of an imported model