The assets we are using beneath an editable text object are a light grey color. The standard hint text color is a very dull white. Can’t seem to find a way to change it in the UMG editor. Am I missing something or should we change the visual assets?
Anybody? Not trying to have our artist redo our UI
Has anybody got an answer? This is quite an interesting question!
Bellow it you find defaults of the Widget you can edit to your needs. Text, color basicly everything that you mark as editable.
Create a variable of type text, check Editable in the Details. Bind it to the Text Element of your Tooltip Widget. Or set it directly via Construction Script of the Tooltip Widget.
(and Malo please dont create new Answers if you just want to ask something, use Comment and reply functionalitys)
Oh that one you guys talk about. Than I had the Wrong Context.
No that one you cant change. But also easy to solve by Overlaying another Text and use a invisible Borders Mouse Down Event.
Optional: Show Hint again if there is no Text
Not limited to Text Design and add whatever you want =)
Have Fun.
Small afterthought its smarter to nest everything you want under the Border and just Hide the Border. All children get hidden too so you dont have to reference multiple things in the functions.
But that doesn’t help to change the color of the hint text does it? Because I had already binded the text, but I can’t get to change his color as there isn’t any parameter to change it…
I’m not talking about normal text, I’m talking about the hint text, as ProfQuest2 said it. It is the text that is "beneath an editable text object ".