Change the default text color of Print String Node in BP

It’s totally nitpicking, but I was wondering if it’s possible to change the default color of the print string text when using the node? I normally use Print String to look for errors and I’d prefer it to default to red instead of the sky blue that it currently uses as default.

I’m not asking how to change the color manually. lol. I’m asking how to permanently change the default color. So every time I place a node it’s red instead of blue so I can skip having to change the color every time.

I was afraid of that. It’s probably possible with C++ on an engine level. It’s just irritating to always have to change it once the print string is placed down. I hate the default blue.

That’s a good suggestion - using macros. I might look into it. I completely forgot you can copy and paste blueprint code in text form. Maybe I’ll just create a txt file with the code for the node in there :stuck_out_tongue:
As for the other thread, to be honest it’s been so long since I ran into that issue I don’t even remember the scenario in which I was trying to do that. lol. Some old, dropped project most likely.

It is very simple to change the default color but it would require that you rebuild the engine from source.
If you want to avoid rebuilding from source you could extend KismetSystemLibrary with your own custom versions of PrintString then all you had to do is add the source code to each new project you make. This is what I would do while giving it a shortcut.

Then there is the macro options like mentioned just be aware of the extra overhead of using a lot of macros in Blueprint if performance is important.

Ok thanks for the suggestion. Yeah, I’m not yet a programmer - just starting to feel comfortable with BP - but it’s something I’ll keep in mind for later when I start to learn C++. Was just hoping that maybe it was a feature that was already implemented and I just didn’t know where to look.