Change the coordinates of the photos

Good evening everyone, I am Maurizio. I recently purchased reality capture for photogrammetry use with a DJI Mavic 3e drone. I’m asking for help, I’m just starting out. What is the procedure for modifying the georeferencing settings of the photographs by entering the projected coordinates in the UTM system and inserting the elevation referring to the geoid?


We do not support geoid heights. You can still use them; RealityCapture will show the vertical position deviation, but they are not supported.

The UTM system is all right and can be used.

“Hello everyone, I am joining the conversation because I need to convert the altitude of the coordinates present in the photos. I work with the Autel Evo 2 Pro RTK, and I set my reference system to RDN 33N, but when I check in prior pose, it shows that the altitude is in WGS. This is the first thing I’d like to have clarified. If I set the reference system to planar coordinates, why aren’t the photos converted to planar coordinates, but remain in WGS84 spherical coordinates?”

"My second doubt concerns the correction of my altitudes. I export the coordinates of my photos using ‘Export Registration’ – Latitude, Longitude, and Z. I convert them to geoid altitudes and then import them back using the flight log, still in latitude and longitude but with the corrected altitude. When I import them, if I choose WGS84 as the reference system, it says that the project’s system is different, and it asks me whether to modify the system coordinates or convert the coordinates. However, if I select my RDN33 as the import system, it gives me exaggerated errors with ‘orange lines of the photos’ converging at one point.

I ended up importing them with WGS84 and then converting them, so I see my photos with the corrected altitude. However, when I register the photos, none of them align.

Where am I going wrong?"

Hi @geoanture86
I set my reference system to RDN 33N
Where did you set this?

The most drone images are using WGS as the coordinate system. So, if you see that as prior pose for the images, it is OK. Prior pose doesn’t affect the resulted coordinates.

When you exported the registration, have you checked the prior pose and registration pose for the images? Is it possible for you to obtain the original flight log, as you used RTK drone? Because the coordinates can be affected with the alignment process and it is possible, you won’t have the same as the original ones.
I suppose the warning is there because you have set the project system to RDN33, but the flightlog is in WGS (as you kept Lat/Lon). You can modify the system and then set it back to a wanted one.

As none of the images are aligned, what are your alignment settings? Are you able to align the images set as Unknown in Prior pose?

"1- I set them in the coordinate system settings.
Then I redid the alignment, and it worked fine.
It’s just this one thing: if I set the reference system to RDN 33N in the project properties, why does it still show the prior pose as WGS 84?

"Yes, the flight log is in WGS coordinates. However, if I export the log file in X, Y, Z UTM coordinates and then perform the conversion, it gives me errors where the points converge to a single location. I think that is my error…but i don’t know

this is my drone file

Also, how can I view the mouse coordinates in the 3D view?

The image’s position is saved mostly in EXIF in WGS coordinate system. Therefore you see that as prior pose system. If you want to have other system there, you need to import flight log in that system with proper settings.

The flight log is from drone? Or did you create that from RealityCapture export?

How does look your log file?

For DJI drones the MRK file is mostly the file with cameras’ positions. But it needs to be reformatted to be able to import into RealityCapture.

It is not possible to view the coordinates in 3D view. But there is a feature request for that.

Thanks a lot

i have also mrk file and have this information

I have another problem with this mission,
I performed the alignment of the photos without modifying the altitude, and I noticed that the arrangement of the photos forms a parabolic shape, convex at the ends. Upon extracting the data, I noticed that the altitudes are incorrect, showing slopes that are not actually present. The area is very large, and I did not use GCPs.
How can I solve this problem?

OK, so from MRK file you can use these data to create the flight log:

But it is in WGS coordinate system. There you have position, elevation and their precisions.

You can try to use the solutions from this tutorial: Tutorial: Banana Effect - What To Do If My Model is Bent

I have no idea how to create a flight log.
I could convert these coordinates to RDN UTM 33N, but then what?
Can you explain this step to me

Additionally, could the ‘banana effect’ be due to the fact that the camera was not nadir but rather at 70 degrees

There you can find some basic information about flight logs:

Basically, you need to conver the MRK file to CSV or TXT file, where will be these columns:
Image_Name Latitude/X Longitude/Y Ellh/Z AccX AccY AccZ

And then import it into RealityCapture using the proper coordinate system.

So, 1 line could look like:
000001.JPG 42.0414215488 12.24007771574 315.712 0.012195 0.015831 0.0339373

It shouldn’t be a reason for such result. Bigger influence had flighting not a dobble-grid mission and capturing only from one flight height.

But does the modified flight log overwrite the coordinates present in the photos
Or what does it modify?

Yes, it will modified those coordinates. Also, the precisions will be added.
Sometimes it happens, that coordinates from RTK drones are directly written into EXIF, but flight log could be still more precise.


i have this situation, i have to import only the red fields?

I exported the registration file, can I modify this as well?

This is my reformatted flight log, but what I haven’t understood is how to handle the photo name
And which fields to import.
Thank you

Yes, but you need to follow the example I wrote above. Also, you need to us the proper image name.

Image names need to be changed:
In this case from 1 to MAX_0001.JPG

And avoid these columns:

As you can see the registration file, the height were changed. I wouldn’t use that as flightlog in this case. Also, it is a result of RealityCapture’s alignment, so there are no original data anymore.

ok thanks, im testing this and i will write you

I have this error why?**

i have the same numbero of photo and csv-flight log file.
the name of the photo are the same

but the coordinate in the foto are changed
