Change static mesh to dynamic mesh in dataprep

Hello all,
I want to simplify some meshes in Dataprep through an operation. For that, I need to convert the static meshes into dynamic meshes and back.
I have tried using “Create Asset” with the dynamic mesh class, but the editor crashes when I try to use the resulting asset.

Any idea how to fix this?
Many thanks in advance!

I figured out how to convert Static mesh to Dynamic mesh using CreateDynamicMeshPool, but I still need help with converting it back.
I’m getting the errror: “Cannot modify built-in Engine asset” when using CopyMeshtoStaticMesh.

Hello Tim,
we are aware of this limitation. While using dataprep you are in a sandbox, the created staticmeshes are transient and UE wont allow you to write back your dynamic mesh into the original static mesh.

We have some tickets to resolve those but they are not high priority.

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Is there any sort of workaround you’re aware of? Similarly to OP, I need to convert the Datasmith static mesh to dynamic mesh so I can split the geometry by connected faces.

Is this possible or am I chasing something that’s not feasible?

You can do that but outside of dataprep.
You can make an editor utility widget to hold your operation and execute that on asset your are picking from the content folder for example.

something like that

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Thanks for the help, the blueprint you posted for some reason didn’t work but it did point me in the right direction:

This will detach the elements, rename each one and increment the suffix per loop. I’m not experienced with blueprints so this may be over the top, but it works.

One question though - what is the dynamic mesh pool and why are we using here? I can’t find any information that covers why it needs to be used.

I am happy to hear you got it working.
You need to convert mesh to dynamic mesh to perform any modelling operation on them.
Apparently the dynamic mesh pool is the recommended way to get allocated dynamic meshes.