Change Sequencer's Default FPS to 24fps?

I’ve been looking through the ini files to see where I might be able to change the default Seuqncer framerate from 30 to 24. I exclusively work in animation created at 24fps. Thanks

The way this is described in the documentation, it seems like it’s coded into the engine itself rather that an adjustable preference.

If your familiar with coding, it might be possible to adjust the default in the source code of the engine (which can be downloaded from github) … or maybe ask for this to be a preference parameter as an enhancement request. (Seems like a good idea… lots of productions and studios use frame rates other than 30fps for their work)

Hope this helps.
Have fun.

It would be great if Unreal had a default fps setting in the preferences. I put in a feature request but more would help.
Sequencer defaults to 30 but Take Recorder defaults to 24 so you have to keep checking & setting fps to make sure they’re correct

If you set:


in your project’s DefaultEngine.ini, that will default it to 24fps for your project.


Thanks Max! That’s awesome!


Thanks, Max. I can’t fathom why this can’t be changed in the default **BaseEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini. ** For instance, I always used to inverse the middleMousePan for every project. But I change it once now in BaseEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini and all new projects come up with the pan reverse (like Maya and every other 3D app I’ve ever used).

Old thread, but I’ve a solution for you that could be usefull for others (works for UE 5.3).

  • Find the “BaseEngine.ini” file placed in your engine installation folders (by default : C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_[version]\Engine\Config)

  • Open it in a text editor and add the following lines at the very end :


Now, every new project will work with 24fps Level Sequences timelines.
