Change particle system (example: starter content fire) color over time in a loop. 3 Variations

Hey there,

I am a beginner in Unreal Engine and i have some troubles setting up a blueprint that would allow me to change the color of my fire particle from green to orange and then red. I would like to keep the green color for 5 sec, orange for 3 and red for 2. Since this is my first time actually doing the blueprints, I am stuck almost at the beginning. So I would kindly ask, if any of you guys have a minute to spare, could you help a brother out with this one ?

Thanks in advance for any possible tip, that could help me.

Hi man, i am not an expert in particles but:

You can set the “color over life” as is shown in this video - YouTube
You can access some of variable and change them by blueprint

Thanks a lot man! I will start with it today, and hopefully I can come up with some results and solve it on my own. Hopefully I am successful, otherwise I will post up here! Have a great day!…traffic-lights I used this thread on the forum, and it was of great help! Thank you and “eXi” for the useful posts!