Change Mesh when Actor stops moving

Hi There, I have this idea that when the actors movement is nothing, after a delay, they change appearance/mesh

I’ve been able to get it to change upon key press. I have also been working with plugging in Actor Locations, Vectors, Branches and Location updates but what would a blueprint look like for that properly?

You can change the mesh when

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that seemed to help.
I got it to work. Albeit its messy to look at

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you can get the vector length of the velocity which might be a bit nicer to read lol

Try this?

If using UE5 third person template, this will change Manny to Quinn after a delay, then back back to Manny when a key is pressed. Should probably have a DoOnce gate in there somewhere, but the IsTransformed bool there should block unneeded mesh loading well enough.

This is what I have been able to get to work. And quite well.
The problem Im having is the Enhanced Input Action Event “works” but even if i slightly move my character it transforms into another mesh.

Is there another event that would work kind of like this that doesn’t utilize an “input” action and more of an “ongoing” ?

In event begin play, you could use SetTimerByEvent, make it loop, set the time for however long you want the afk timer to be, and check player velocity in the delagated event to decide whether to change mesh. Wouldn’t be as responsive as doing it via input, but it would provide some flex for small movements.

I’ve attempted that but I wasnt able to get it to work.
Ran a sequence off of event run and nothing

Wire leading left off the screen is coming from begin play.

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That seems to be working splendidly! I had to add a Do-Once as well as a custom even that reset that doing once as to not constantly keep “shifting shapes”.

Thank you

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