Change Material During My Sequence Using 'Was Recently Rendered' Node?

Hello all! My first post on the site! Please be kind!

I am working on a Datasmith file imported from a Synchro sequence. I am using the sequencer to play the imported animation, and working in the level blueprint.

Long story short, how do I make each object flash green for a second after becoming visible, then return to its default material after it has been on screen for a few seconds?
I am trying to highlight new buildings and objects as they appear.

I tried using ‘Was Recently Rendered’ nodes, but I am having trouble combining it with a triggering event that individually applies the node to each component. I’ve googled high and low but I can’t find anything covering this effect that I’m trying to achieve.

Hopefully more is explained by my comments on the image.

Many many thanks in advance!

  • Dan

Hey Dan!

I recently did some tests with the following code:

To simplify what the Was Actor Recently Rendered does; If the actor you see is shown on screen it will return True. If I turn my back it will be false, and true once I look at the actor again.

You could setup a system so that this is checked for every actor and use a do once per actor so that they are loaded in properly. However, this would probably end up being quite heavy if it’s for a game.

Can I ask you why you want to do this, and perhaps find a solution more applicable to your case. Is there a reason why you want the assets to flash green when they are in view?

Hello Elias!

Many thanks for your reply.

I am trying to mimic an effect that occurs in Synchro. When new objects appear as they are constructed they are shown in green before returning to normal as the project progresses.

I am trying to create a rendered animation of this Synchro sequence that I have Datasmithed into Unreal. I am doing this to help bridge the gap between the two, and not only use Unreal for nice renders, but include more interactivity and functionality with these sequences going into the future. I felt like this is my first step.

I have created a code like the one you’ve shown before, and it does work nicely. My challenge is translating that node’s data into something that triggers a brief change in colour upon an item appearing.

It isn’t for a game right now. But if we make these projects more interactive in the future then we will need it to run well in real time too.

What is this ‘do once per actor’ you mentioned?

Again, many thanks!