Change Material BP from another BP

The BP Ballon_transparency is the Material/Texture for the Ballon_Actor.
I like to change the color Parameter via another BP.
But how? Anybody knows it?

Yeah that´s cool. It´s near to that what I want. The last thing I need, is to add Numbers to the colors.

I don´t know how to get the last Value from “color”. I want to add 0.05 to the last Value

It dont works at all. It doesnt change the color. I did like he did in the Video. Wheres my Error?

It doesn`t change to blue

it looks like you’re almost there, unic–you create a dynamic material instance, and set it to a variable…but it looks like you never apply that material to the balloon mesh, as far as I can see…so your balloon is still using the “old” material it had from when it spawned. You’ll need a reference to the mesh, and then use a “set material” on it in order to apply your new material instance to it…then you can change that material instance and see the update.

Uh yeah. That could it be. I try it immediately as i come home from work

What about that? I think I Need a main Value or rather the pre-Color of my Materialcolor, or does it works how it is?
I´m not at home, thats why I ask without testing

I don`t knoe how to set a reference to the Mesh (In my Project a sphere)

I got a reference to the Ballon (BP) but I can´t get the Sphere

Watch and follow tutorials on youtube, they show how to drag pins create references etc. But you need to follow those tutorials, ie .repeat every click into empty project and create exact copy of what the yshow in tut, its easiest way to learn at beginning.

Its not the Problem to do a reference. I got a Reference to the Actor, but I dont know how to cast the Sphere specially or do a reference to that. But okay, I´m going to have a watch for this

if you can get a reference to the blueprint actor, then you should be able to drag off of it and type “get sphere” (or whatever you named your mesh component). If you DONT see that, then you might not actually have a reference the the parent blueprint. If anything needs casting, it might be THAT, and then your mesh component should be an option.

BTW, this is not super important, but for future reference: naming the component “sphere” is a little confusing for people helping you, since there’s already an actual very common blueprint component called “Sphere”. It’s a good habit to name components like yours something like “Spheremesh” just to make things clear. Not a big deal, but it confused me at first. :slight_smile:

I´m gonna try that, thank you.

BTW, I´m gonna have an eye on confusing names like Sphere :wink:

You can quite easily change the name on something. But in your blueprint above there is obvious issues with not understanding how nodes work correctly since there is no proper flow along them so aside from it being incorrect, it will never actually be run anyway.