I am used to Unity. In Unity you can save a .ma file and import it to your project. If you make any changes to that ma file it automatically refreshes those changes in Unity so you don’t have to reimport the mesh again and again.
Is there any way to do this in Unreal? I am creating a level and it is just annoying to have to reimport every time I make a change to the mesh.
If you create a folder under the projects “content” folder and import the objects FBX into that folder Unreal 4 will pick up the change and will pop up that a change was added and by default ask if you wish to import it. If the FBX changes by default will once again ask if you wish to reimport the changes.
You can change the default from asking to just go ahead and reimport the asset in real time. You can also create a folder where you wish to store the asset where after the export to FBX UE4 will automatically add the object to a mirror of the directory in the browser. Also works with texture images