Change hotkey for editor moving up/down?

Literally just started learning and I’ve found where the option is for wasd to move around with or without clicking mouse buttons. But how do I change it so the space key on the keyboard will move me up and x or c for down?

I want the keyboard to be entirely in control of moving around in the editor while the mouse just changes directions. But as it is I’m forced to use the mouse to move up or have to look up and then move there with w and to move down it’s basically the same problem.

Is there an option to make this possible in the hotkey settings? I can’t find one but this list is massive.

I might be missng something here, but WASD move you around in game, not in the editor. If you want to change keys in game you have to edit the player blueprint.

In any event, the access to edtior hotkeys is in editor settings:


Ahh yeah I wasn’t sure what the correct term to use was. Editor or game, ty for clarifying.

And I do know where the Keyboard Shortcuts are but which one allows me to add a key for up/down? Assuming there even is one, I’m guessing there isn’t though.

Well, you can use the arrow keys for moving around in the editor, but a mouse is much better… :slight_smile:

You like the mouse? Great. Not the question at all. The keybinding can be found by searching “Viewport Navigation” elevation up / down

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