Change Height Player VR

I’m developing a vr project in which I have some avatars. I want these avatars to adapt to the real height of the player, for example a child, without adapting the playspace. I have no idea how to do it. I mean, if I see a table from above, the child in vr or a short person should see it from below. Adapt 1:1 the height.

Not sure about all helmets, but for Oculus Quest 2 the local camera position (height) will correspond to the height of the helmet from the floor (the plane you touched when adjusting the helmet move area).

In my project, the character has a colision capsule, to which the scene is attached so that it is at the bottom of the capsule, then the camera is attached to the scene.

This configuration will make the height of the game camera the same as in reality.

I can also change the height of the character by changing the local position of the scene.