change gamemods or player controller

Hi Good day
Is there a way that the player can change the playercontroller or gamemode during the game? For example, can the player controller be changed by entering a Collision?
I am using Blueprint and because I am using the world part, I cannot use the level streaming feature

Nope, as far as I know, it is not possible. Why would you need to do that? If you need this, maybe just load new level where new game mode / player controller is set?

so thanks for replay It would be great if the map could be loaded, but since I use the world partition feature, I am definitely deprived of this feature.
You know, I want to use the building system, and the problem is that it interferes with my character’s capabilities, that’s why I came up with the idea of being able to change the player controller when using the building system.

You will have to rely on different type of PlayerController behavior if you want to do that. No need to make your PlayerController way to complex, if you use composition and separate responsibilities accordingly.