Change default project creation location

I need to know how to change the default project creation location withouth launching the editor. Is it an ini file somewhere or something? I need to change it from being the default of the userprofiles documents to something else possibly? Thanks

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Hey Lovell0,

I think its stored in Engine.ini, but I don’t know where to find it.

Whats stopping you from opening editor ?

You can move your projectfiles to where you want them to be, then open UEFN, and create a new map and go into the Editor Preferences and change the path from there.

Hi, it’s for a educational environment.

It appears when the documents folder is redirected via a unc path to a san that the launcher for UEFN specifically fails at 90% , this is being done via a Group Policy.

When removing the gpo that redirects documents to san it loads fine but as I said before when gpo active it fails at 90%

I wanted to see if I could change where the application actually decides to put the projects rather than create a gpo exception or work around. As the pcs it will be used on do have secondary drives or if I could get it to work with a SAN.

So I need the default location to be different before even launching the software or another work around basically

Any help is greatly appreciated

Yeah that is a tough cookie,

The editor does have the ability to change the path and add an array of several different paths inside the editor preferences, it will update the path then and there.

Pointing to another local path out of the documents folder is a usual method to avoid OneDrive interference to UEFN Projects, It is straight forward to add a path to a secondary drive this way and it will replace the Documents/Project Settings default.

This involves moving the entire Project Files directory to the new location on the secondary drive with Windows Explorer, then open UEFN, create a new project and once it starts go to the Edit menu, Editor Preferences and add an array element to the Project Folders and point to the new path, you should be able then to use New/Open Projects to access your default new location.

Yeah i dont think im gonna be able to solve it as i cannot even get to the point where i can use the menus as it will fail at 90 percent no matter what i do , its for like 30+ pcs as well so probably just gonna have to do a gpo exception or something

Add a vote to this thread, if you get enough votes it may get a look in by epic

if windows 10, it’s in here :
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Local\UnrealEngine<UE Version>\Saved\Config\WindowsEditor\EditorSettings.ini

change value CreatedProjectPaths= to desired path

Please NOTE : close Unreal Engine Editor before makes change, or issue will occur again if you relaunch UE editor

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Moving to the proper forum.

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