Change Character via Structure

Never mind, I solve it thanks to you, thank you very much!


Into my game instance I’ve created “Selected Character” variable which is Character Class Type

After that into my Character selector widget blueprint I casted my game instance and changed the variable with a new character class


Then i spawn it and posses it into my Gameplay GAME MODE

You should be able to call a spawn actor with the specified transform to show in the map as you wish. If you’re just selecting the character to spawn in the next map, you need to save the selected value in your game instance so it can be called on in the next map by doing: get game instance and casting to your specific game instance then pulling off it to get selected character class to spawn it in the map on load. You may need to create a new instance and add the variable ‘chosen character’ as a character type and when you press male, as a reference, you’ll do the get game instance and then cast to your game instance and set chosen character to the one you break from the struc.

Hello guys so after you press play on main menu and choose what map do you want to choose game is opening a “lobby” where you should can pick your gender character to play with in the map, for that I’ve created a structure with a variable named Character, type is Character Class, like in the picture


In the “lobby” map you have a widget with 2 buttons, Male and Female.

Here comes the problem I don’t know how to make in the lobby widget to change the Character, more explicit to assign the male or female character.

And i think i need to say that i’ve created a base charcter who has two children, Male and Female.

(this is what i’ve tried):

I’m not quite sure I understand, could you please show me with some pictures

I’m at work now but can give examples within a couple hours. In the mean time, do you have a custom game instance or are you using the project default?

Custom game instance

Okay, so if your intent is to select your character and then load to another level, go into your custom game instance and create a variable called chosen character as a character type.

Next, you’ll go into the character selector widget and right click then type ‘get game instance’ and pull off that and type ‘cast to’ “name of your custom game instance”. Next, you’ll pull off of that and type set chosen character. Then connect the character male to that set node. You’ll do this for each of your buttons.