I’m looking for a way to change a cable’s segment and set a position for it.
So I have attached a cable to its beginning and end point and this is all set correctly.
Now I would like to set a location of one of the cable segments, basically adding a middle attach point to the cable. This has to be done by just one cable and not creating more like I have seen others doing so. Would this be possible? How can I make this work if so?
When this was first announced ,unreal did a good demo of using the cable component. This involved placing objects at the segments world spaces. Maybe you can manipulate this method and instead of spawn an object maybe set the particle location (he says it uses particles as segments)
Anyway its worth a good look, u can skip the bit about the material and just watch the rest. You will probably have to make a new actor that exposes all the segments etc so that it is available in editor.