Change asset over time in game

For a school project I am making a room in which I want the assets to change over time.

The idea is that the room starts off as an 80’s room and slowly goes into the 00’s/20’s as time goes on (the furniture in the room changes, wallpaper changes, new things appear)

Now I have seen some videos on how to change assets and textures in game by pressing a button but I don’t know how I could make it so that the assets switch after a certain amount of time, say every 60 seconds a different asset changes.

I have used Unreal 5 for little while now but am not that familiar with blueprints yet, do you think this will be hard to create or would it be doable? And how would I go about it?

Thank you in advance!

Hey there @LizzGrizz! Welcome to the community! So this is a quick BP I wrote up that let’s you cycle on a 1 second delay a new mesh (you can do this with a material if you’d prefer) and that should do what you need and it extendible!

Basically I used an array of Static Mesh Objects I set manually on the actor.

And here’s a copy and paste if you’d rather!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you so much!

I do have a question,

I tried to add the nodes into an actor blueprint but I am getting a few errors which I don’t know how to solve.

The array I used is a Static Mesh Array and I added two objects to it.
I had the message that Mesh Actor did not exist so I added it as a static mesh but I am not sure if that is what I was supposed to do and if I should add an object in there.

If I now look at the viewport it gives me a plane saying “Blueprint bad” but I don’t know what I am supposed to change.

I hope that what I am saying makes sense!

Problem Unreal

This one from @SupportiveEntity should do it.

Sorry that screenshot is just a bit too small to make out clearly, I believe it’s saying you have 2 of the original events called ChangeMeshPerTime. There can only be one of the (red) original in a BP, if you have any others around it will fail and give that error.