Change Actor's Variables Before Spawning

Hi again guys,

I have a custom Actor class, with its own variables, and I need to initialize & set their value before spawning them - e.g. Mesh, Duration,etc.

How can I do that? I mean, spawning doesn’t let you specify the constructor, just the default one.

For this I would usually use SpawnActorDeferred followed by FinishSpawningActor after setting the property values.

UWorld* World = GetWorld();
if( World )
	AMyActor* NewActor = World->SpawnActorDeferred<AMyActor>(
		MyActorClass, FTransform::Identity, nullptr, nullptr, ESpawnActorCollisionHandlingMethod::AlwaysSpawn);

	// initialize NewActor...

	UGameplayStatics::FinishSpawningActor(NewActor, SpawnTransform);

The actor isn’t actually constructed until the FinishSpawningActor call so don’t forget that part!

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That’s exactly what I needed :slight_smile: