Change actor size

Hi guys,

another newbie question.

I have created a first person blueprint project added some wall with windows and followed a tutorial on opening a door with the ‘F’ key.

This all works fine except the actor (I presume this is the correct syntax) does not fit through the open door. So rather than having to scale the assets how do I slim him down.


With actor your mean the character? -> scale down the collision capsule in your character bp or change the entire size of him :slight_smile:

When I start the level I have a first person view (a blue man carrying a gun). When I move forward I can get through a door frame but with the door fitted I can’t walk through.


That’s because the door also has a own collision -> so you need more space to get through a door frame + door -> change the player size or the collision capsule of the player. It could also be that you use a “wrong” collision for your door -> check in the static mesh editor if the collision is like it should be (so a box around the door mesh). Another thing could be that the door has a collision capsule -> check it in your door bp (I think you have made one ^^)

Thanks ,

I first tried changing the cage size that surrounds the player but this did not work.

I then looked at the door and shrunk it’s collision size down and my fat player can now fit through the doors. Iif this could only happen in real life).
