A made an array based on a Blueprint and Im trying to use this array as an inventory. The array type is a Base_Item blueprint (this : http://i.imgur.com/Q9sMD2j.png) It contains 2 variable, TextureBase(variable type: texture 2d) and Texture_Selected. I’m made an other variable named Item, (variable type: Base_Item( the same as the array)) and trying to set this as the 0 elem of my array. This is works perfectly so far, BUT when im trying to change the texture for the Array’s first item (at index 0) I got error and it doesn’t do anything.
Error :
Blueprint code :
Can somebody help me out what im doing wrong or how to change the Elem’s variable’s value after I added it to my array, because logically I think this should work perfectly and I don’t understand whats wrong
Thank you for helping, and sorry for bad English(if I sad anything wrong, I’m not confident with my English)