Is it possible to import a custom skin or playermodel as the same size of the 3rd Person Base Playermodel? Therefore removing the blue playermodel but still keeping and applying its animations to the new skin or newly imported playermodel? If so this would help quicken animating because with my deformation bones, setup is tedious for one of my models in work and to just add a couple animations to the existing group of animations would better overall performance since those are pretty solid as is. The 3rd Person playermodel is easy to animate with (compared to my model with deformation bones) and if I could just add a new skin or similarly sized model I’d assume the bone groups or spots to animate each limb would come just as easily with the new skin or model.
Only if the model has the exact same rig/joints/bones setup in maya. You can try searching for UnrealEngine blueman maya download or similar on google or try exporting the skeletal mesh from unreal engine (right click → export) to fbx and then opening it in maya and removing the mesh, import your own mesh then reskin/weight the new mesh to the old skeleton/
It MUST have the exact same bone structure or you will run into weird problems or it wont work at all.
If this cleared it up for you dont forget to accept an answer so people can find the answer they needed when searching/googleing later.
Also search “Skeleton retargeting”
I’ll repost probably tmrw latest with results. Found export in the asset menu, thanks.
Dont forget you can only export certain things like meshes and textures.
Under your epic games /4.x/engine/ folder there should be the default skeleton file somewhere for maya also the UEAddon for blender has the old blueman setup in a .blend file you could export to .fbx with blender and then reskin with your new character. I dont even know what modelling software your using sorry.