I have a big problem.
I have a pretty limited server / host (I can only use WordPressJoomla, JoomlaDrupal, DrupalMyBB, MyBBPrestaShop, PrestaShopphpBB, phpBB and MYSQL).
I’m not 100% owner either, but I can execute what I mentioned.
I understand that to run an application with Unreal engine you need a CLOUD, for example AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure or others.
My question is based on the type of host I have:
1 - Can I create a server with PHP for a “multiplayer” game
I guess we are talking about a dedicated server
2 - Can I create a session between C ++ and PHP and have good performance?
3 - Will it work and the game / room of UE4 will play without any errors?
That is, without having to run UE4 on the server, why can’t I run C ++ or another language on the server. That is, have a room “id” and that ID keep or keep the game (as a persistence)
- Even if the user logs out, the room remains “active”
- Even if the user exits the game, the room remains “active”
4 - And most importantly, how would the “replicate” act?
I am talking about a server with many limitations. Could I do something?
If I have the connections to the DB with PHP, what should I do with C ++ to connect them through a session ?, websocket ?, or is there another better system?
1 - Is it a good idea to have a PHP server instead of Python, Java or any other for a multiplayer game?
2 - Could I have a PHP server for a game with the UE4 engine?
Or it’s just not worth it.
I read: https://www.php.net/manual/en/featur....webserver.php
This web server was designed to aid application development. It may also be useful for testing purposes or for application demonstrations that are run in controlled environments. It is not intended to be a full-featured web server. It should not be used on a public network.