Hi everyone,
Question Summary
Recently I am looking at the “retarget post from mesh” node in Animation Blueprint.
When I set the “chain setting”, seems like it doesn’t affect the behavior of that animation.
Here is the “chain setting” located:
What I am trying to do
I try to retarget my custom character (in this test, it’s Mixamo skeletal) to UE mannequin skeletal in real-time, and also change the IK/FK settings during the run-time.
For example, I can toggle the retarget IK on/off, or I can change a chain’s Blend to Source Widgets during run-time.
My setup
I import a mixamo X-bot skeletal mesh in to unreal, and create both the IK Rig and IK Retargeter for it.
I add a mixamo skeletal under the mesh under “BP_ThirdPersonCharacter” , and create an Animation Blueprint for X_Bot.
In that X_Bot Animation Blueprint, I add the node “retarget pose from mesh”, and select the IK retarget asset.
(At this point, everything works, If I run the game, I can see my X_Bot character is following the UE mannequin character.)
The issue happend, when I try to add a chain setting for the “retarget pose from mesh” node.
I start with a simple test, try to add the setting for my RightArm chain, and disable both FK and IK, but this doesn’t seem to effect the result.
Although, if I modify the IK retarget asset directly, and change the Chain Setting for RightArm chain there, it works.
Thank you in advance~