CFBundleVersion is empty but must be composed of one to three period-separated integers

I’m struggling to upload my IOS project to App Store, but following message
‘CFBundleVersion is empty but must be composed of one to three period-separated integers’ keeps happening.

My solutions found in forums or discussions were

  1. put the (three period-seperated integers) in [Project Settings - iOS - Version Info]
  2. add CFBundleVersion
    (three period-seperated integers) in [(Project Folder)/Build/iOS/UBTGenerated/Info.Template.plist]
  3. add statement above in [Project Settings - iOS - Additional Plist Data]

but none of them worked.

Did I do something wrong or are there any more solutions?

The info.plist inside the .xcarchive from packaging the build is missing CFBundleVersion key, that’s why we get this error.
To fix it : You can right click the .xcarchive file, and choose “show package contents”, it will show you 3 items, one is info.plist, double click to open it,

Expand “ApplicationProperties”, inside right click and choose “Add row”.
Give key as CFBundleVersion
Type as String
Value - Version number (single digit)
Save and Close the plist and upload the .xcarchive build file.


Hi, Vimal!

Sorry that I noticed your answer now. Maybe I’m going to have a chance to follow your suggestion on next week. I’ll reply then. Really appreciate for your help!

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