I recently updated the engine from 5.1 to 5.3.2 and everything is awesome except for Distributing to Apple Connect. Packaging for Development to my device is super easy with the new Xcode Project. Everything is almost automatic and no more needing to create manually profiles and stuff. However, upon Distributing to Testflight, from Xcode Archive → Organizer → Distribute, I encounter this error of “CFBundleVerion is empty…”. And so I have tried:
1)Adding additional plist file:
2) Changing the version number to 3 digit seprated with dots.
3) Changing the plist file inside the project folder (it keeps changing back after Cook)
All of these to no success. Would appreciate it if anyone can help me out, where is Bundle Version really and why is it empty.
I found where to amend it. I had to alter from xcode file, add the bundle version and package from there (not from unreal engine). I’m not sure if its the correct way (consequences might pay a visit), but as long as it’s uploaded to App Connect, then it is solved.
I’m having the same issue and I can’t find any workaround to solve it…
I tried adding CFBundleVersion\n1.0.0\nCFBundleShortVersionString\n1.0.0
in the additionnal plist data box from the project settings in UE, it adds the bundle et bundle short versions to the plist files in different build folders of the project after packaging but when i open the xcode project generated by UE the build version is still empty and as you saw yourself if I change it there, it is resest by Unreal the next time I try to package.
I would like to try your solution but I don’t how to package outside of Unreal.
Could you give me a hint on how you did it ?
I’m guessing you have to do it from a command line ?
I didn’t find any packaging functionnality inside xcode but I am completely new to this.
OK, I finally managed to package and distribute my app to app store connect.
To make the xarchive, I simply had to go to Product > Archive in the xcode project of the app.
For the build “number”, it has to be changed in the xconfig section of the app in xcode also :
$(UE_IOS_BUILD_VERSION) is empty for some reason and I don’t see where I can change it inside unreal editor.
After distributing the app to app store connect I ran into another issue :
The app was rejected because it needed an entry for “NSCameraUsageDescription” in the info.plist…
I already had this issue previously because the ARKit plugin was activated in a previous iteration of my app.
But I had deactivated it since then so this seems to be another UE_5.3 iOS mystery.
It can easily be solved by adding something like
NSCameraUsageDescription\nUE4 needs permission to use the camera in order to use ARKit.
in the Additionnal Plist Data field in the UE project settings.