In a “projectile-like” actor, it seems that having anything else than a collision-component as the root for a static-mesh component causes the collision to be ignored completely.
Currently using 4.7.2, modifying the default FirstPerson BP Projectile to only have a static-mesh + projectile movement component works fine, but making a scene-component and making the static-mesh it’s child causes the collision behaviour to not work any more.
That seems like a bug to me, which is why i’m posting it here, if it’s not please disregard
The most fitting other report i found for this was marked as “resolved”, even though it looks more like the person fixed it using a work-around.
As it stands this doesn’t appear to be a bug on my end or from the description above.
If you have a BP that only has a projectile movement component and a static mesh things works correctly, so long as the static mesh itself has collision setup.
By default, the yellow ball used for the first person projectile does not have collision enabled. If you look at the settings in the details panel you’ll see that it’s set to “no collision” for it’s preset. Also open the mesh in the static mesh editor and turn on the collision button in the toolbar. If there is no collision mesh you may need to add it there.
Hi, I think I’ve same issue with some projectile collision.
Using 4.8.1, I just made a new actor with default scene root, a capsule collision shape and static mesh both child of the scene component root. Adding projectile movement component and test. All collision settings are set up to block all.
Looking at the collision tool, there are no collision at all after shooting.
I tried to remove the scene root component and then my bullet collide with the first mesh it encounter, my character mesh. Then this is the right comportment of my bullet.
The real problem is if I didn’t have root component, I can’t orient my collision shape to match with my bullet.
I things this is really a bug.
Thanks for your time.