Cepheus Protocol - A Top-down shooter RTS

Hi Everyone! We’re Halcyon Winds and we’re working on an upcoming top-down shooter RTS called Cepheus Protocol. You play as Captain Winter and fight the mysterious Pangu virus. Find patient 0 before the cepheus protocol is enacted. How you do it is entirely up to you.

We recently released our dev update on IndieDB (make sure to follow us!) and wanted to give you a summary of what we worked on in June. We’ll be posting bi-weekly updates with the top 4 things we want to share with you so stay tuned!

#1 – Interface Changes

Our extremely talented Level Designer (and really jack of all trades) Dimitry experimented with some UI changes like a new selection ring for characters and rendering of players through floors and objects.

#2 – The Hospital (you’ll hear us talk a lot about this location)

Tons of work went into the hospital in June as its one of the locations where lots of action will go down. Some of the work includes level design, ensuring the lighting is perfect, and overall testing to see how everything is running in the current playable build.

#3 – Dead Body Variants

Our Animator worked on more than 24 different dead body variants. These will be used by our level designers to be placed throughout the game. Which one is your favorite?

#4 – Snake, is that you?

Is sneaking and stealth more your thing? We worked on footstep and other sound logic. If you’re trying to enter an area in a stealthier way, then the Infected won’t hear or notice you. If you go guns blazing then they’ll automatically start attacking.

We also made sure the logic worked with walls so they don’t feel paper thin and Infected won’t hear you unless you’re using an non-suppressed gun.

Enjoyed the updates? Make sure to follow us on social media and Discord. Psst…little secret: we put up exclusive content on Discord :wink:

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