widgetClass is a TSubclassOf member of my GameMode and will be used later to display my HUD.
Starting the game in the editor works fine, but when i package the game (in my case win64) and try to execute it, it crashes without an error message.
So i checked the .log file, which includes the following:
I’ve already done some research and found suggestions like loading the UClass directly (here) instead of the Blueprint which looks something like this:
Start the Editor through the Epic Games Launcher and select a blank C++ Project without Starter Content.
Rightclick in the Content Browser and create a Widget Blueprint, name it ‘widget1’. Then open it and place a button right at the center of the screen. Save and close it.
Create two new C++ Classes in the Editor. One with the parent class “Player Controller” called MyPlayerController - the other one with the parent class “Pawn” called MyPawn
Open the Project Settings and set the TestProjectGameMode as default - save project.
Extend the TestProjectGameMode C++ Class so that it contains the following:
→ post is to long, please see the next comment!
I think that’s all and I don’t forgot a step. If I start the Game in the Editor, it will run without problems and it will even display the button. This tells me that the WidgetBLueprint was loaded successfully.
I can package the game also without errors, but when I’m trying to start the game as a win64 .exe, it crashes and the log file contains the same error message as mentioned above in my question.
I was able to reproduce this issue on our end. I have written up a report (UE-28930) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for you time and information.