CDF Starfighter - VR old school Space Combat Simulator

Hi everyone,
I would like to introduce our U4 game “CDF Starfighter” which takes the awesome space combat sims of the 90s and takes it to a new level and in VR. Our game is still in Alpha but we have something awesome at the moment and by release we aim to have an Indie VR launch title accross various platforms.

Official Teaser trailer :

Gameplay Video : Simulator Mode - Pirates Ahoy training mission

Holy. Sh*t.

Elite Dangerous achievement unlocked

Oh yeah! I remember blowing up those cats in the first Wing Commander by the dozens. This brings back so many memories!

Thanks guys. The 90s style space combat sim is where the game is going, The game is still alpha yet with no funding and no team but its playing great. Escpecially in VR. Here is a new gameplay vid :

I worked on a freespace total conversion many years back for Freespace 2 engine (The Babylon project) For CDF Starfighter, the designing of the cdf fleet and modelling of the ships has been done over almost 10 years, i released some of the concepts on Youtube in 2008 - 2012 and have worked on the game in the unreal 4 engine since January this year. For a solo dev, the game has come along way but its now time to try and get some funding to help unlock some of the games potential and bring some other talent on board.

We have just launched our Kickstarter Campaign today :

There will be more updates over the coming weeks on the kickstarter page, so all you budding pilots out there, stay tuned :slight_smile:

This game is made with 100% blueprints! I have a little time over the next few weeks, so let me know if you want any tuts on anything :slight_smile:

Looks really good, good luck with the kickstarter

Thanks, We have a great game and Ip we are working with, but the biggest challenge is getting the word out. We REALLY need everyone to share, and help us out, especially here in the U4 community. As some of you have some experience in U4, you can see how much work i have put into this over the last year with no funds or a team. And marketing the game and trying to get the word out makes it the most challenge aspect.

here is the 4th gameplay vid :

please guys, help out CDF Starfighter and spread the word about! Its all down to you guys now :slight_smile:

That is the problem being a solo dev, especially on steam, to some its an easy target, but i have learned many lessons from that. Ghostship had ramas Ai in it, and although i spent a lot of time working and improving it, it still has a few flaws but is very effective at its job. Ghostship was a very different game and using UDK which was a real chore for almost everything. Using Unreal 4 for starfighter is great, but I am at the stage where i really need to get a little talent on board to polish up and work on a few key areas. The real focus is on VR, and Ghostship Aftermath was the first full VR game released and published over a year ago, Just over a year ago, the game was playing awesome In VR, it was made for VR


But Epic dropped all VR support for UDK, so all the reviews are based on the NonVR version.

Thanks, and stay tuned for updates over on the kickstarter page over the coming days.

This game looks amazing. I am hoping you can share some insight into your control input code… I am trying to make a 6dof game as well but my pitch and yaw are locked to the world position? anyways, goodluck with your kickstarter and I hope to see this game on steam

When i first started CDF Starfighter, i used the template here :

Its a great start, but i think the later u4 engine builds have some problems with it, but its a good place to start :slight_smile:

On another note, Our Kickstarter campaign is being cancelled as we are getting no press coverage and at 3% for the first week we will not hit our target. The campaign will be moved to IndieGoGo as a flexible campaign.

As with my last game, I managed to get £200 to develop CDF Ghostship after the Kickstarter failed. So moving CDF Starfighter to IndieGoGo will at least get more than Ghostship (I hope), unless you all expect a solo dev to make this with less than £200. So i am hoping that some of you guys who use U4 know how much work I have put into this as a single person, and with just a little help it can be carried forward.

Another gameplay Video released! I need your support guys, especially here in the U4 community. Or at least some help in a few key areas would be really really helpful.

Thanks guys

Getting close to early access release, thanks for your comments guys, as a solo dev support is vital, especially for devs in the engine the game is made in who know a little of what my dailey routine may include.

2 first looks at pre- early access Steam release build.

Early access release on Steam for Oculus, Vive & OSVR on the 29th March!

Don`t forget to check out the web site for more details (press pack coming this weekend!)

CDF Starfighter is coming to Vive for Launch!


Wow, looks really nice. How big are the maps? Haven’t you ran into any precision errors?

Do you mean room scale in vive? if so CDF Starfighter is a sit down game :slight_smile:

No, I mean the game world. Floating point math loses accuracy as you move away from world origin and things like animations might become jittery.

Sorry for late reply. I got this sorted. It turned out to be that in the vive, the pawns collision cylinder also affected camera. All sorted now. :slight_smile:

Just wanted to give a bump to this thread because the game went into Early Access on Steam. I guess more people here have Vive/DK2 than most other forums so check it out :slight_smile:

Hey Double Zero, Thanks. The NonVR version is shaping up very well, and for those who loved the old school combat sims such as freespace, wing commander, star wars, star lancer to name a few, then you will love CDF Starfighter. Here are some screen grabs, more news and release info will be coming soon.
