Should definitely be possible. The Toolkit or the engine doesn’t have anything out of the box that I’m aware of, but there are likely a lot of platforms you can integrate which will give this ability from your game.
NVM I solved it. I had added a component to the 3d card which was blocking the hit detection for the placement blueprint.
I keep getting the error: Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None Trying to read property CardPlacement_Ref” in the Validate Card Placement Graph.
This error only effects cards I’ve created I think there is an issue specifically with the Valid Card Array, but I can’t figure out what it is. Interestingly If I get other information from the Get Placement State Function it works fine. It’s just the Valid Card Array which returns none, though I can’t decipher why.
I’m italian so i apologize for my english. When i discovered this toolkit i fell in love with it, because I hope it will help me to carry out the card game project I’ve been working on for over a year. I’m very unsure whether to buy this toolkit because i don’t know if it is exactly what i need, so please try to answer these questions:
**1) How much customizable are the cards that can be played? **I drew cards with a graphics program. These cards are very different from what I’ve seen in the examples, so I have to know if I can use these cards or I have to redesign them again. Below I leave you an example card to make you understand:
Don’t worry about symbols or numbers… as far as I know, the game mechanics of my cardgame can be made with this toolkit ^^
2) Can a player play the game without have this toolkit or Unreal Engine? I took a brief look at the documentation and didn’t find much information about how two players can connect and play together. I wonder if it’s possible to “export” the game and share it with friends to make them play with each other… in case I will find the way by myself.
Thank you again for this awesome toolkit and for reply
Hello, was hoping to find anyone converting this awesome kit to a “Slay The Spire” game format?
Hello, I have a basic outline of the game and want to make a using this toolkit. I am new to this toolkit and unreal (used unity previously), so wanted to ask questions in hopes of speeding up the process. I tried searching for guides/read manual, but didn’t find answer to these questions. So the main nuances of the game I am trying to make (compared to default) are as follows:
- In addition to line of cards that stay in play (similar to creatures), there is stack of cards that persist between turns (both player’s cards) and start resolving only after neither player adds cards there during their turn. This would function similarly to MtG stack (cards remember their targets and could be changed) and would be performed at the end of turn if player hasn’t added cards to the stack. Which place in the blueprint is best suited for adding this type of functionality?
- Resources are common (like chrono system): turn continues until player plays a card that costs more “mana” than he has and goes into negative (up to -6), but then opponent gains that much mana (for example at 2 mana, play a 5 cost card -> turn ends and opponent gets 3 mana. So player mana = -opponent’s mana). What would be the proper way to change manasystem?
- Deckbuilding is done by selecting hero and “aspect”, which determine activated/static ability the hero will have (should be viewarble either as an icon or by tapping player icon) in game and what cards can be added to the deck. There is also “extra” deck of 5-7 cards, which can be brought into play by card effects which I would like to see during the game. Again, what parts of the blueprint would be best for changing?
- So this might be stupid question and I have missed this, but I would want that cards be automatically placed on the board depending on their card type and targets (ie. not placing themselves, but autoplacement)?
So my question is what is the proper way to go about implementing those mechanics. Which part of the code I should modify and what pitfalls/nuances should I be aware of?
Hi I am trying to create deck building rules , I want to limit the number of card sets possbile per deck , can anyone help me with that?
I’m working on a new currency system for the toolkit, but there is so much integration of the Mana system, I’m struggling. I just want to build a system that stacks based on how much you don’t use, not based on player turn. I want the player to gain 1 Mana each turn, but once they use it, it is gone.
Further break down:
Turn 1 : you gain 1 Mana. Play a 1 cost. You now have 0 Mana.
Turn 2: you gain 1 Mana. Now you have 1 but you save it.
Turn 3: you gain 1 Mana, now you have 2 total. You play a 2 cost card. You now have 0 Mana.
Turn 4: you gain 1 Mana. You now have 1 Mana to spend. Etc etc.
Any one can help with this framework?
I’m a noob, so if someone notices a mistake, please feel free to correct me, but have you tried checking out the “Get Turn Mana” in the CardGame Mode yet? I was looking to do something similar and noticed that it was mentioned in the Technical Breakdown that the “Starting Health and Mana Per Turn calculations” are located in the CardGame Mode. I included a couple examples: One of the stock code you get with the kit and the edit required to give you a currency system that ignores what turn it is. In the example, it demonstrates adding 5 mana on top of whatever mana you had at the end of the previous turn.
To my noobish knowledge, the toolkit cards are visually 100% customizable without too much coding knowledge. There are 2 types of card visuals: one is a 2D widget and the other is the 3D card. You set these visuals in your card DataTable (EG BasicSet_DataTable for example). The Frame_texture, Image_Texture, and Back_Texture are for your 2D widget cards while Frame_Material, Image Material, and Back_Material are for your 3D Cards. The CCG Toolkit Documention mentions in the Technical Breakdown section that the “ViewCard” is “…a 2D visual container that can be easily be modified and filled with card specific data without needing to change or risk breaking gameplay related functionality.”
If you open the ViewCard widget (ViewCard_Default might be the precise name), you can change the size of the components to suit your liking. Your example card looks like the picture takes up the entire card space and is frameless. So if you redesign the frame backing to be transparent everywhere except the text blocks and resize the Card_Image to the full card, move/add the desired stats, you should get something close to, if not exactly, what you want. Whatever changes you made to the ViewCard widget, you can do for the 3DCard blueprint. Coding only needed if you add stats beyond cost, health, and attack. I have posted a quick mock up of what I described using the toolkit’s assets.
I have successfully added my card design using “ViewCard_Default”. Thanks to Anonymouse2 at this point
But now when i view my card ingame at the board, the positions are not the same as from the card in my hand:
Where do i fix this?
Alight i just got it fixed by myself! I had to adjust all the relevant scale boxes etc inside ViewCard_Default as well
Its me again!
Is there any discord server where people can talk about this framework? It would be really great to see!
Also, how could i change the position of the oponents cards? In my custom layout, they just appear above the character
I think you can do that through the CardLayout_Profiles datatable. There is an entry under “Opponent_Default” that may be what you’re looking for.
Yes, it’s exactly what i was looking for. Thanks!
Ok thank you for the explanation. In summary, if I have not misunderstood, I can simply “empty” the card keeping the image and the outlines and then write the description and everything else through the toolkit. Right? In addition I need to know how other players connect to the game. Are there servers? I just “export” the game and then pass it on to my friends?
As far as i know, we have to implement our own Subsystem. In my case, i need to add an extended Multiplayer System, which includes an Account-system where people can login to, a matchmaking System to let people randomly fight each other, and optionally some more features(like making it possible to collect/unlock cards by opening packs or something. But well this is not only related to multiplayer).
I am a beginner, so i am just learning by doing and some Video tutorials, which means that it will be hard for me to implement all of this on my own. Anyway i’ll work for it and maybe some day i’ll find someone who can help me or i even hire someone to do it
I’ve asked for a discord server about the toolkit. Would be great to chat with other people using the toolkit
Hello guys , really enjoying this tollkit , it is very easy to use overall
However just have a couple of doubts , I am trying to implement ability activations such as when the player gains life while trigger an ability or when another creature goes into the graveyard will trigger an ability , can anyone help me on how to implement this triggers?
another question that I have is damage related , I already now how to make the game detected wich type of damage is in play , just don t really know where to put the rules in the most efficient way to what type damage does what (like deatouch)
For some examples of ability activations, you can look at the cards that come with the default project. You can check out the data table for the Basic_Set (Located in the Content/CCGToolkit/CardGame/CardSets/Basic_Set folder). For triggering gain life, check out the Ability section of the First Day medic. Out of the box, you can change the amount it heals and what triggers the healing. I think there’s also a built in trigger on the creature being sent to graveyard as well, but I can’t think of a default card that uses that ability, so you’ll have to play around with that yourself a bit.
As for damage types, the toolkit has a method of differentiating the type of damage out of the box (EG default project has Basic, Poison, and Stun damage types set up), but I don’t think it has any preprogrammed ways of actually using that information out of the box. I believe you have to program that out yourself. I believe the type of damage is an Enum, so if you know how to use Enums, you should be able to add, edit, or remove damage types and then you can add checks on damage types to have additional effects on card interactions. EG Branch if target card has a weakness to poison, if True, multiply damage by X, add X additional damage, or gain X life, etc…
I know this was posted virtually erons ago… but where do I pug in this solution for taunt? it doesn’t show where in the “deal damage to card” function, I tried next to everything trying to pug this in somewhere… anyone have a SS for connecting nodes… or can explain to me the nodes I’m connecting this too…?
To the best of my knowledge i have read and followed your documentation/tutorials.
However, whenever I attempt to play a card from in hand to the field, it simply releases the card and nothing happens.
I added debug breakpoints to the PlayerController to see if the input events fired, and for some reason, the only
one getting fired is “touch” event, not click. But also, it seems to almost NEVER pass the check to play a card, it simply
resolves as the branch that thinks I am trying to cancel grabbing and playing the card.
Have you run into this problem or heard of it before? Some assistance would be much appreciated.
Perhaps you can open a discord server for support related questions?
I can be reached on Discord at : Bludbathmcgraf#1995
And Email:
Hi everyone !
I have question.
How can I freeze one turn enemy card on ability ? How can I do on blueprint? Plz help