CCG Toolkit | Multiplayer Card Game Framework

I have same issue …did you find a solution ? Have tried so many things to just get the stock blueprint to work and have found no solution. Runs player 2 health doesnt show numbers it says health and no cards are given to players can’t end turn … if someone could help or give me any idea on why it isnt working would be much appreciated. I am using windows 10

when i load the blueprint i get this error

LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object ‘Class None.’

When i play the game i get these errors

LogTexture:Warning: Building texture with an invalid GUID: /Engine/Transient.Texture2D_1
LogTexture:Warning: Texture has no source mips: /Engine/Transient.Texture2D_1
LogTexture:Warning: Building texture with an invalid GUID: /Engine/Transient.Texture2D_0
LogTexture:Warning: Texture has no source mips: /Engine/Transient.Texture2D_0

LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch. Did you assign a stat to two groups? New //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_3d4_0///####STATCAT_Advanced#### old //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_1108_0///####STATCAT_Advanced####

Am reasonably new to ue4 as i usually use unity so sorry if this seems newb to some . thanks

Hey slimdzl!

The reason this occurs is because it is waiting on a second player to enter the game. You can set the toolkit to work with a single player, or two players, however to switch between them you will need to enable bIsSingleClientEnabled in the game mode to bypass the minimum player check for the game to start.

Alternatively, if you wish to use the multiplayer side of the toolkit, you can go into the launch properties and set the client to run 2 standalone clients on the same machine.

You can find this information in the documentation as linked in the original post of this thread. If this issue still persists, please let me know here or feel free to use the support email to get in touch!

This is really cool since I was already creating concept art for my VR game. Well this is a great side project to showcase my art and to think about how units might also be balanced in the final game to.

As a side note I really hope this eventually gets an AI update, it will be difficult to get enough players to use multiplayer. Also here’s some samples of my artwork, I have since been drawing like crazy and have created 25 cards over the last week or so. :smiley:

Quick Test Screenshot (Without much customisation)

Really cool artwork, thanks for sharing!

Ai is defiantly something I would like to make available in the near future. I have been working on a massive AI design document to work out the best way to support a wide range of card games as well as making it adaptive and customisable for developers. Keep an eye out.

Hi .
Does CCG Toolkit include “stack system” like MTG?
Stack - MTG Salvation Wiki Stack - MTG Wiki

I’m very interested in this project:cool:

Hey john.doe!

The Toolkit in its current state does not support this feature right out of the box, however some custom changes and systems can be added to handle this mechanic/type of play. Feel free to reach out if you do pick up the toolkit and I can provide support and direction on how to go about this!

first of all is version 1.1 out ? :smiley:

Hey Peca92sk!

Not just yet! A few engine changes in UE4.13 and some small additional features have delayed the update briefly, but it should be released very soon! :slight_smile:

Great job in this toolkit!
I will pick it up soon!!!

All the best with the progress!

Once 1.1 comes out I will pick this up!

[FONT=Arial Black]Update 1.1 Released!

The CCG Toolkit v1.1 is now live on the UE4 Marketplace! This update features the introduction of the Deck builder and several framework changes to support creating, saving and editing custom decks. The update also includes several framework improvements, documentation updates and minor bug fixes.

Changelist info:


  • The Deck Builder is an interactive interface that allows users to easily create, customize, and save custom decks.

Deck Builder Features list:

  • Filter cards in the library by card Set, card type, rarity, and additional special filters
  • Search bar for searching for cards by their name
  • Order cards in the library by Name or Mana Cost
  • Select all or specify card sets to look and filter through
  • Load decks
  • Save limitless custom decks
  • Edit custom decks
  • In-menu screen card preview
  • Dynamic deck mana graph
  • Special data table that allows designers to create developer made decks for players and/or AI. Decks are created and instantly playable in-game after loading the deck builder.
  • Customize the Min and Max number of cards in the player deck
  • Edit custom deck name


  • Custom ‘Deck filters’ function library for filtering and collecting data about the deck or input cards array
  • Custom ‘Save’ function library for creating, loading, and saving decks
  • ‘Card Rarity’ can now be set on cards
  • Connect to games Via IP option when joining a game
    Note: This still requires the right router/server setup to successfully connect to players across the internet.

Updates and Changes:

  • Added: Moved from the Card Game Player Controllers’s, the ‘Card Game State’ now holds references to cards which are played on the board for each player. Players can now access their own or opponents cards directly instead of filtering through all cards on the board, using “AddCardToBoard”, “RemoveCardOnBoard”,and “GetBoardState” functions callable in the game state.
  • Updated: With the introduction of the deck builder, the Card Game Player Controller’s “Setup Deck” function has been updated to load all custom and pre-made (developer) decks.
  • Updated: Deck selection widget has been updated (Old Name: “Deck Row widget”, New Name:ExpandableDeckSelectionRow) to include a Mana and Card Rarity preview of the deck.
  • Updated: Minor Blueprint optimizations and improvements throughout the toolkit.
  • Updated: Main menu framework and design improvements

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Get Card data will now return any (valid) requested card without needing to specify the card set.
  • Fixed: Card preview would remain on the screen after mousing over UI while the preview is displayed.
  • Fixed: OnDrop card particle and sound effect played every time the card moved back to its home
  • destination. OnDrop effects will only play when the card is placed on the board for the first time.

Documentation Updates:

  • Added: Recommended Editor Setup
  • Added: Out of the box Options
  • Added: Deck Builder Overview
  • Updated: ‘Adding Card sets to the game’ tutorial
  • Updated: ‘Ability Creation and Setup’ tutorial
  • Added: FAQ’s

Note: This update also includes a number of fixes for and has been prepared in the latest UE4.13 engine version. This update is unfortunately not available in UE4.12.5 or below (Unless backwards compatibility becomes available)

The latest documentation can be found at: Documentation – ccgtoolkit

Update 1.2 planning has been already begun, so make sure you vote on the trello page for anything you would like to see in the next update release!

If you find any issues, have any questions, or improvements you would like to see in the toolkit or the next update, please email !

Thank you to everyone for your patience, and I hope you enjoy the update!

WOOOHOO!!! The update is finally here!

Instant buy!!!

Thanks for all your hardwork!

AWESOME THANK YOU!!! Finally I can start my game

Hope you can add a simple AI soon. :smiley:

Incredible! This is so useful.


How to update to v1.1 ?

Hey Peca92sk!

The update should be downloadable from the marketplace page. If you create a new project under the 4.13 engine version, it should download and create a new project for you to copy/merge your changes into.

If you run into any issues with the update feel free to reach out and I will assist in any way I can. Thanks!

Forgot to update to 4.13 :confused: thanks :smiley:

Hey :slight_smile:

This looks amazing!!

I just have some Pre-Buy questions.

Will there ever be something like a matchmaking system where you can enter a Lobby and you will be automatically matched with a player on your skill level (something like a ELO system)?

Is there something like a Login option. So you create Accounts and the cards of the players get saved on a server, maybe a MySQL Database? I think this is important to prevent cheating.

How does the current version save the cards of the User? locally?

Thanks in advance

Kind regards

Hey Oemmi!

  1. Matchmaking is not currently in scope for this project, however it is something that could be implemented within the toolkit by simply changing how games are selected. The toolkit does have access to games which it has found and adding the functionality to find and connect players based on available games would not be hard to do. I can give direction on this if you do choose to pickup the toolkit.

  2. Adding support/implementing an option like MySQL would definitely be great to have. The toolkit was designed to be accessible and use only blueprints and engine features, this is mainly for accessibility and getting things running as soon as you hit the ground. There is one or a few options on the marketplace (Plugins) which could be used to add a login option to your project, and I’m sure there are many in the works aswell!

  3. Decks are saved locally. The functions used to save out the deck had been created in function libraries which could easily be changed to load/save decks to a database (blueprint callable) with little changes needed to be made.

Let me know if you have any further questions!