This is a question for mostly anyone who can answer:"Is there a built in functionality to change card shapes from the standard rectangle? For example if I wanted hexagon cards and wanted to make cards only “attack’ cards next to them on up to 6 sides.”
Hey almightyhood!
- There are no plans to add tutorial levels to the framework, but there is a lot of functionality and engine features that will allow you to add your own.
2/3. A victory rewards system can easily be added and could be rewarded through the Game Mode when the game ends. You will need to setup your own player profile to store rewards and player data whether this is done locally on the players device or on a server which will hold and store all the player information. To tie the ingame currency and micro transactions together, you will need to add a a currency framework to allow players to receive and purchase ingame content. How you would go about rewarding players should be possible once you have a framework in place to add and store player data. For the in-game purchasing side, the engine comes with a bunch of easy to use mobile in app purchasing options but what needs to be setup will come down to the device and platform your targeting. - Questing system is something that will need a lot of design and hooks to be put in place to handle players achieving objectives. How this Is done will also come down to the platform, as well as other online systems you have in place to handle this feature of your game.
Feel free to reach out to the support email If you would like to dive deeper into any of these questions.
Hey Subzeroblack!
The rectangular cards are just a visual properties of the cards that can easily be changed in the 3D Card BP and the ViewCard Widget.
As for restricting the attack direction to a hexagon, the toolkit doesn’t come with any layout specific rules but there are a bunch of ways this could be achieved:
- Only allow interactions (attacks) within a specified distance from the attacking card (Easy)
- Create your own board manager store, can calculate, and validate interactions from the surrounding tiles (Advanced)
- On each card placement you could set and hold references to the surrounding tiles, you could then use to validate the interaction. (Mid)
- etc etc
This is just an overview, but feel free to reach out to the support email if your after more details!
Thank for great asset!
Hey All!
Im happy to announce the CCG Toolkit is now completely FREE for the month of February (2019).
Partnering with the Unreal Engine marketplace team, Myself and other amazing marketplace creators have been given the opportunity to give back to the community, and the CCG toolkit is now free for this month only. Its yours to keep. No Cost. No hidden terms or conditions. Its yours.
All support and feedback channels are OPEN, and be sure to star-rate the product on the store as this helps us developers to create the best products for you.
Happy Devi-ing!
OH! One last thing… In my endeavour to release affordable, high quality game frameworks, this sale will also be leading up to release of a new framework in Q1 (Announcement will come shortly). So if your into these kinds of packs and would like to see the quality, value, and extensive amount of features and content you can expect, now Is the best time grab this toolkit.
Hey everyone, I am having a problem with launching the project. Starting up the project stops at 45% and my CPU usage skyrockets to 100% so I close Unreal otherwise it makes my computer freeze and powers needs to be unplugged. Has anyone experienced this? If so what is the solution, any ideas?
Mine will sit at about 45% when making a new project. Just wait it out and it’ll catch up. Sometimes it can take a few minutes.
Hey Markth07,
@Zenyman64 is right, unreal can take a while to load a project for the first time while it fills the cache (mostly shaders). The time it will take can vary on how powerful your systems specs are but it should eventually open in the end.
Proto, considering the quality and value of the CCG kit, looking forward to your new framework ( I think). Holding back on some of my anticipation since you haven’t given us a clue on what it is…
Hello! I have a problem. When I making a new card with a new class or type, the building deck view doesn’t show the new card. The problem is still in new projects. Please for help in solve this problem.
you have to do it in the data tables and enums
where does the AI get its deck from I need to debug errors im getting from my AI sorry my fiddling broke it ignore.
Much appreciated Canthitcrap, and totally understandable! Quick update on this, the new framework has been submitted to Epic, so you should hear more about this in the coming weeks once it has all been approved.
Hey Dekromon, apologies for the delay in response.
This is likely due to the Deck Filters filtering out your type. In the Deck Builder UI, there will be a function called “Collect Card Library” where is calls “Filter Included Cards”. If you skip filtering the card array (Filters will no longer work) you should be able to find your new cards in the list until you want to add support for your new card type.
Hey Doomflamegaming, The AI gets its deck from the AIPersonality_DataTable from the Playable decks. Where the AI actually gets and sets this data can be found within the CardGameAIConroller -> LoadAIPersonality function.
Hope this helps!
Hello, I was looking into this asset and UE in general since I am not really familiar with the tool, and I was wondering: would there be a way to extend this asset by working only on C++? I see the asset uses only blueprints, I have skimmed through some of the example UE projects and I found blueprints not very handy to work with (for somebody who is used to code), however, I have seen as well that to your customers you give access to a “private git repo” and I was wondering then whether that meant customers could import a C++ only version of the toolkit… Is there such a possibility?
Ah, another question: does the new framework you will be releasing soon expand on this one? I mean, would you advise people not to buy this now and wait instead for your new product :D?
Hello, I have been designing and prototyping a card game with paper cards and now want to implement it in digital. I am new to this engine and still trying to figure out whether I should use this or use some other approach for my game, so I have been reading up the documentation and have a few questions/clarifications to ask:
- My game has hexagonal board element (similar to how Faeria has, but with hexagons 3-4-5-4-5-4-3, where players are in the middle of first row of 3 and last row of 3 hexagons). I saw examples of arenas with boards, but did not see any instruction or tutorial for how to do or modify one myself. Is that available somewhere? And is it supported for cards to move on the board?
- I want to have a stack system in the game (Like MtG arena/Eternal). Are there any templates and is it easily implementable? For example, can I create separate Stack tile where both player’s cards and abilities go before getting resolved? (What modifications should I do not to break anything existing)
- I might have missed this, but how would I go around creating a second “hand” for player, where it would display cards and abilities he can use from grave as a hand of cards (MtG arena style). Is this doable via the card layout?
- To generate resources, players use cards from their hands. They “sacrifice” those cards to get a land where creatures can be played. Each land will also produce 1 energy per turn (and one influence, which will be checked in conditions for whether cards can be played). I want players to do this by left clicking and dragging the card on top of an empty tile, where land is supposed to be played. I know the logic, but where would I put which parts of the code?
- Based on FAQ I understood that it is possible to create a dedicated server to work over the internet (I kinda have to do this, as people who are helping me test this game are in another country, so I cannot use LAN for testing), so where could I find instructions/manuals on doing this and extending server functionality (matchmaking, etc.).
P.S. Did I understand correctly that there is a new version of the kit coming in near future or is it another framework (is it for ccgs as well)?
Hey winterismute!
You are correct, the toolkit has been built using Blueprints. Whether you want to use blueprints or C++ to extend this is entirely up to you, but like any project in UE4, it will definitely be more difficult to stay entirely in one without touching the other (especially having the majority of the toolkit in blueprints without re-writing it back into c++ for core gameplay features). It can be a very powerful combination of the two when you find that sweet spot, but this will come with more experience with the engine.
As for the "private git repo, I’m curious to know where you found this if you have it on hand. From my side, the toolkit is only available in a blueprint project (but can be extended in C++) on the UE4 Marketplace.
The new framework is an entirely different game type. But it does share a approach for being 100% blueprints, fully featured framework, tooling, etc.
Hope this helps!
Hey Naitingale!
The board placements are actors that you can place anywhere in your level. As for moving cards around the board, this is possible (building some helper functions will also make this even easier) and there are example abilities that show you how to do this, but the input is something you would need to add. If your going for a hexagonal board then you can either do this by positioning them by hand or building your own placement implementation that allows for a more seamless approach for positioning and moving cards/tiles around the board.
I would say the difficultly would be dependent on your experience with the toolkit and the engine. this feature isn’t supported out of the box and there aren’t any examples which show how this can be done. There are a few states this will need to flow through which could be handled in the game state or player controllers, and there will need to be additional modifications to the Player Controller and 3D card actors to support resolving the players turn and any other features you wish to add.
You could add a second card manager to the viewport with some modifications to point to your graveyard/list of cards/abilities. There will need to be some slight changes but it should be fairly seamless.
Play conditions can be found in the card placements (card types supported/max cards reached, etc) and in the player controller (valid mana, players turn etc). The player controller will generally check to see if the play is valid, but the condition will come from the placements (is there a valid land tile? etc). For generating resources, this can be done in either the player controller (loop through all your tiles) or the tiles/cards themselves when the turn start/end event is received.
The toolkit uses the UE4 multiplayer framework, so there are no specific details for the toolkit itself. Setting up a dedicated server you can check out the unreal wiki or take a quick google search to find one of the more recent tutorials. For things like matchmaking, this will require your own implementation or you could alternatively keep an eye out for Epics online services to add support for your game.
I will hopefully be releasing a new framework soon but this is a different game type (outside of the card game genre).
Hope this helps. Feel free to reach out to the support email if you want to go more in-depth on any of these!
Thank you for the quick response. In that case I will start implementing and see how it goes.
I have created Pre built deck with different name and card sets. But when i am replacing it in functions library and other blueprints i am getting an error when saying “Prebuild decks may not have been generated, Open the main menu to generate the decks.” I have checked with enums and card data sets as well. Let me know how can i setup my custom prebuild deck with custom names. Thanks.
Hello! Please, Can you help me? I just want to create a card game, which uses your toolkit. Can you help me with some questions? I want to add some abilities, and Possibility to play with 3 other persons/ai. I want to say, 4 players in the board?
Actually, My questions is:
- 4 players in the board.
- Some abilities like taunt/invulnerability, and stun/poison. ( I don’t know blueprints and c++)
- How to play Spells from hand. Not from board…
I Hope you will help me!!! Thanks so much! I need your help, because it’s my last chance…
I have compiled this project and uploaded to test flight with my own additions. But when I go to create match it just goes to the loading screen and back to the main menu. Any ideas what is causing this?
Hey smitparmar!
You can create your own prebuilt decks in the CCGToolkit/CardGame/DEVELOPER_PrebuildDecks/PreBuildDecks_DataTable and they will instantly appear in the deck builder when you run the game.
As for the error you are seeing, this may be caused by some of the changes you have made to the function library or some additions/checks being done by some systems. If you could show some of the changes you had made, it would make it easier to help track this down if the function library/other blueprint changes are still necessary.
I have also passed this onto through your support email, so feel free to respond there!
Hey Phil9424!
More then happy to help.
You can have more then 2 players join the game, but you will need to potentially add additional support in the UI and some helper functions to go along side if you want to display a lot of the same info for all players seen out of the box, as well as fixing some abilities to work with more then two players.
For Taunt, there are functions called “Deal Damage to Card” and “Deal Damage to Player” where you can intercept the attack. From this you could add conditions/checks to these functions to see if there is a card on the board which meets the ability/type and if so change the receiving card on the board.
Invulnerability could follow the same check to see if the interaction is valid at that point in time by the ability or another custom variable you want to set on cards.
Stun and Poison will require some changes to the 3D card blueprint to allow “Over Time” effects that aren’t supported out of the box.
- As you would likely know, cards are required to be played on a placement before they can be used. Adding support for a certain card to be played without being added to a placement will require some custom checks and branches in the Player controller and 3D card blueprint to add support for this. Like the above points, we can talk about the details for you and your project through email so you get all the info you need.
Ive passed this through to the support email aswell, so feel free to respond there!
Hey Will32! You should have received a reply to your support email