CBB: The Great Princess Rescue Adventure" (Episode 1)

“CBB Chronicles: :princess:The Great Princess Rescue Adventure” (Episode 1) | Tiny Heroes Big Laughs! :rocket::mouse: - YouTube

This is the first short film we did last summer (2023) to try out Unreal Engine 5.
We made this 1 minute short film to understand the workflow of animation in Unreal using Lumen, Nanite, Alembic cache animation, Sequencers, overrides,…

All post process were done in engine, without any compositing. Characters animations were done in Maya and exported as Alembic.
Rendering time in HD is less than 3 seconds and 7 seconds in 4k.

We did learn a lot from this project and made an article on 3DVF of our Unreal journey :
Is Unreal Engine good enough to create animated shows for Netflix? Dwarf Animation tells us everything about their experiments! (3dvf.com)