Casting to variables in Animation Blueprint in 4.6.1 is not working

I tested this in 4.5.1 and 4.6.1. its not working in 4.6.1

I followed exactly what was suggested here:

I can’t get variables from animation blueprint to show up. Only anim notifies. I also tried to restart editor because I thought this might be bugged like anim notifies that need an editor restart to show up but doesnt fix it. I run latest regular 4.6 version.

Anyone has a solution for this? Alternative ways to communicate with animation blueprint?

EDIT: At least custom events work, so if you run into same problem and look for a solution just create custom events in your animation blueprint and set variables with custom events. Ugly but at least works.

Did you set your Variables to “public”? Since 4.6.x, they need to be public.

Yes, thats it. Got to get into habit of reading release notes. Thanks!

As an additional note, this should no longer be necessary in 4.7 and beyond.

Wait… you changed it again? :open_mouth:

Whoops, no change until 4.8 looks like. But yes =)

Good to know this though! :slight_smile: