Casting to Game Instance in Game Mode Failing

Ok Trying to Have the Game Mode check what kind of game type the level is based on the Game Instance. But I noticed it is having a errors saying Game Instance is none from though I Cast for it and even made a Variable form the Cast, but it is still saying it is empty. What is wrong does anyone have a Idea? Thank you.

Are you sure you set your game instance to GI_RTS in your project settings (maps and modes near bottom)

Maybe it’s still set to the default GameInstance?

I did a local test that mirrors your example and it says that the GI variable is valid, so the execution order is correct.


Ok I got it fixed, but the Fix was odd, for my Project has my Game Instance as the Default. but My Fix was to move the Cast for it in the Game Mode into the Construction Script of the Game Mode and then it worked just fine.