Casting to Animation blueprint for IK solver effector location works but is slow and jittery

Hello guys, im using an ik solver for my game and im casting a location to an animation blueprint from an actor but as the title says its slow and jittery. Im guessing the location is one frame behind and thats why its slow but im not very sure. I have no clue why its jittering though. Any ideas on fixes or workarounds?

You could look at changing the tick group for the mesh in the blueprint to PostWorkUpdate. You could also do the IK in bone space, which is something I’ve found I had to do to get two handed weapon IK working previously.

Thanks for the answer, I tried PostWorkUpdate and the jittering stopped but the ik was still slow. I cant get the IK in bone space to work because i cant access the location variable in the animation BP from the BP that has that variable, any ideas on how to do that?