I have a boolean variable in “Actor” class, when i want to get it from “Anim Instance” using casting i get this error: “This blueprint (self) is not a Variant, therefore ‘Target’ must have connection”.
How can i solve this problem? I am using UE5 EA .
The Blueprint you’re trying to cast to is not Inherited from APawn class. So try get pawn owner wouldn’t work in this case. What are you trying to animate? is it an enemy character?
I want this: the green zombie is walking to right and when it intersects with the orange one, the green zombie should do the animation of the orange one which is running(orange one is only a indicater to the green zombie when and where is starts to run)
In your blueprint select the skeletal mesh you use for the zombie, then on the details panel on the right under the Animation category set the following : Animation Mode → Use Animation Blueprint Anim Class → PAWN_ANIM_BP
If it’s already set to that, then I don’t know what else could be the problem.
These are my settings but they affect the moving zombie not the indicator zombie, which is not good because i have created that Blueprint for indicator zombie but it affects the moving zombie