Casting only seems to work when casting from the T-72's anim blueprint to the T-72's vehicle pawn

I have narrowed down the possible points of failure to the event graph of the animation blueprint of the Abrams specifically the cast.
here is the animation blueprints event graph for the T-72:

and here is the one for the Abrams which is the non-functional one:

I have tried looking for solutions to fix this but no-one else seems to have ever had an issue similar to this and so have had no solutions that work. the interesting thing is that the cast for the T-72 and the Abrams both fail but only the T-72 actually works when turning the turret.
both vehicles use the same controls and both move but the Abrams’ turret just doesn’t turn when i press the keys I assigned.

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In the 2nd pic, print Display Name of the Player Pawn before casting, what does it read?

as i was going to do this i found that the abrams was using the same animation blueprint as the t-72 and wasn’t working correctly after changing it to the abrams’ blueprint it works. thanks for trying to help anyway