I’m new to UE4 and I’m following a tutorial but can’t execute this part of the process because I don’t have the option for Cast to PointActor
Any clue would be greatly appreciated
I’m new to UE4 and I’m following a tutorial but can’t execute this part of the process because I don’t have the option for Cast to PointActor
Any clue would be greatly appreciated
Did you create a PointActor blueprint?
Thanks Everynone, I’ve tried the same thing on my Surface Pro 3 with the same version of UE4.
Tried again on my PC just now and created a quick video from creating the Actor bp just in case I hadn’t created the correct one.
Still no joy.
Ehm, in order to cast to PointActor, your blueprint actor must be called PointActor.
You have an actor called PointCollect, and you can cast to PointCollect.
The bottom line is, ensure you have a PointActor blueprint. You cannot cast to something that does not exist.
Sorry, I understand what you mean now How embarrassing, thank you for the help