I must be missing the most simple of things, but even after hours of searching Google, I’m at a loss.
I am working on the most basic movement of items (pawns and characters) inside my game, and have created a blueprint that I’m using as a trigger. When my player walks over the trigger blueprint, it successfully posts that the walkover was successful. Once that happens, I’ve used “Cast to” my other item(s), and once this occurs, I set a ‘pass/fail’ text to show whether or not this was a success:
I’ve created a “pawn” and also a “character”, and stuck a cube in there so I could see the actor in-game. I’ve made sure that they’re set as “moveable”, as this is what I’m hoping to accomplish once the “cast to” is a success - I want to walk over a trigger, and initiate a move command to the item, so that it appears somewhere else.
This seems like the simplest of things, and I’m honestly at a loss.
Thanks in advance!