My bad you need an array of AActor.
TArray EnemyChar;
UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), AEnemyCharacter::StaticClass(), EnemyChar);
From the array you’ll need to cast to AEnemyCharacter so you can get the health
My bad you need an array of AActor.
TArray EnemyChar;
UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), AEnemyCharacter::StaticClass(), EnemyChar);
From the array you’ll need to cast to AEnemyCharacter so you can get the health
ok. compile without fail. Its big progress!!
How i cant cast to array? please write.
i try
AEnemyCharacter* EnemyChar2 = Cast<AEnemyCharacter>(&EnemyChar);
but failed…need may be from to…or get
Enemychar is an array so you need to get 1 thing out of the array before casting. Cast enemychar[0] and it should work
THANK YOU!!! Its was hard way to sucsess))
Final code:
void UMyUserWidget::StartText()
AMainCharacter* MainChar = Cast<AMainCharacter>(UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerCharacter(GetWorld(),0));
if (MainChar)
Main = MainChar->MainCharHealth;
TArray<AActor*> FoundEnemy;
UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(GetWorld(), AEnemyCharacter::StaticClass(), FoundEnemy);
AEnemyCharacter* EnemyChar2 = Cast<AEnemyCharacter>(FoundEnemy[0]);
if (EnemyChar2)
Enemy = EnemyChar2->EnemyCharHealth;