Cast to Anim _BP in an Actor_BP

Hello, i’m trying to do when the player hit an actor_BP (which is a trigger box) it cast to the agentAnim_BP but i don’t know what i need to link with the objet.

Thanks for your help. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey @Wadjidjo!

So casting isn’t exactly what you need to be doing here. You should try using a “Custom Event” on the Agent, then drag your skeletal mesh in, use “Get Animation Blueprint”, and then cast THAT to “agent_AnimBP” → set “Danse?” = true.

Then on your trigger box, you’ll use an Event Dispatcher to send that message to the agent :slight_smile: Here’s some documentation on how that works!

So i read the documentation about Call and Bind and i tried something like that but it still doesn’t work. :frowning_face: (Instead of Event BeginPlay in the boxdanse_BP it’s a BeginOverlap i was testing some things my bad)