Hi all…
How i can create a reference to a menù used in another map in a level blueprint?
Because that menu give me one variable that i need here…
Normally your way to all other blueprints is through game mode, game state, etc. If they have the reference or a way to it, then you can cast to them and get whatever you need from anywhere.
I solved with a game istance… thanks the same m8 ;D
so, just to be clear for me (that could be the reason that i have problems with my cast)
every time i need to cast variable through blueprint to other blueprint, i need to pass it by a game mode class (or other class)
is that the only way ?
i don’t know if the game istance is a game mode but yes, because the game istance set the variable universal(like in the c++ if you declare the variable out of the main fuction and the others fuctions)
Generally when my blueprints are created(on event begin play) they call game mode and set reference variables for all the other blueprints they commonly need to talk to. If the blueprints that they need to talk to are destroyed, or created after the original blueprint, then you are going to have to cast to game mode again, or get their reference through another means such as collision or whatever. It really depends on your setup. For me, once a blueprint is in my level it will not leave until the game ends, so it is pretty easy to rely on a single reference set when the blueprint is spawned in.
i think if you can help me with this, that could help alot in the forum