Hey, Its a basic question but i hope finding a simple and effective way to do so, its related to reference and casting (if i understand correctly).
I want to cast an input action such as pressing a button from my player bp to another bp (character like NPC here). This is needed to pause a timeline currently running on the NPC via my player_bp
this way i can have a method to build reaction on npc when player press a button
The npc is not an IA yet just a basic character blueprint.
(More Context : i m showing a character animation in a sort of turntable render and i just want to be able to press a button while in play mode to stop the rotation from the timeline on the “NPC” bp)
Thx for the help btw
Yes u did understand everything and this is just one turntable for one “NPC” with one animation rotating that i want to pause, thats it
What i want after that is just change the animation the npc is running by pressing a button and thats it i will then be able to stop or change the animation and rotation of the complete actor whenever i want
No need to cast. Think of casting as of a method of identifying who you’re talking to. When you cast, you ask “are you the type of actor that I want”.