Cast "saved" Metahuman to Default Pawn Class

could you show me what you mean by this? sorry

It would look like this:

It occurs to me that get player controller would always just say player controller 0, but that’s fine to check it prints that correctly too anyway.

Also, it has to be tick, not begin play. Begin play will show nothing because it fires before possess does sometimes.

Anyway, the point is that the two strings should match exactly (they should both say it is player controller 0 ).
If they don’t match exactly or if only one color string prints out, then you know possession isn’t occurring.

Make absolutely sure you change the color on one of them so you know which string is printing what (or if it is even printing at all).

okay so it seems the pawn controller and the player controller both use “PlayerController0”.
When my character gets spawned in this is what i see and im unable to move my character.

EDIT: I removed the cast node “Cast to BP_ThirdPersonCharacter” and my character spawns in and my third person character also spawns in and i can control the third person character. So i believe the problem lies within the Cast node

Oh, wait. You mentioned you had a default pawn in game mode.

Make sure to set your default pawn in game mode to none. You are spawning a character to possess, you don’t need to get it out of the game mode.

I tried that and still got nothing. Im wondering if I have to set up my code to save and load the skeletal mesh assets from the selected bp and then set all of those onto a new character blueprint. I havent been able to do this any other way. It really frustrates me because Im sure theres just one simple piece Im missing I just cant figure it out

Well, all I can tell you is that the string you posted means that it is successfully possessing the pawn, so it isn’t possession that is the issue.

I truly don’t know what the issue is though, sorry.